USC Citizens for Land Stewardship
Conservation and stewardship of land and natural resources in Upper St. Clair

About CLS

History of CLS

The USC Citizens for Land Stewardship (CLS) is a nonprofit, all-volunteer organization dedicated to the conservation and stewardship of land within the Township of Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1997 in response to growing concern about the future of a prime diverse natural area within the Township, CLS members share an appreciation of the benefits of open space and natural areas. As an organization, CLS advocates the development of a Township-wide master plan, which incorporates conservation values and includes provisions for the use of open space. 


When appropriate we join with local organizations such as the Chartiers Nature Conservancy, the Scott Conservancy and the Mt. Lebanon Nature Conservancy to address regional land stewardship issues.  We work closely with The Outdoor Classroom and The Allegheny Land Trust, two regional environmental organizations with facilities and programs within Upper St. Clair.

The organization is dedicated to promoting:

  • education on environmental issues,

  • prudent and ethical land use policies to protect and enhance natural resources,

  • awareness of the value of our natural landscapes,

  • recognition of the enjoyment and benefits of nature within our community,

  • activities that bring harmony between people and nature, and

  • watershed protection and reintroduction of native plant species.