USC Citizens for Land Stewardship
Conservation and stewardship of land and natural resources in Upper St. Clair

About CLS

Membership Information

What is “USC Citizens for Land Stewardship”?

USC Citizens for Land Stewardship (CLS) is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), all-volunteer organization with over 200 members, dedicated to the conservation and careful stewardship of land within our township. Founded in 1997 in response to growing concern about the future of a prime 450-acre diverse natural area known as Boyce Mayview Park, CLS members share an appreciation of the very tangible benefits of open space and natural areas. Recognized for its leadership in community conservation, CLS is actively engaged in the implementation of the Boyce Mayview master plan, and advocates the continued incorporation of conservation values within the township's planning for the use of open space. In addition, Upper St. Clair Township has embraced CLS-initiated proposals to improve water quality and restore habitat within Boyce Mayview and McLaughlin Run, and in partnership with CLS, has been awarded over $300,000 in watershed grants for these projects.

The forests, streams, wetlands and open spaces of Upper St. Clair are invaluable to our community's attractiveness for residents and businesses alike. Their value to our collective “quality of life” is inestimable. Go see blue herons wading and flying along the creek and wetlands. Take a quiet walk through woodlands and listen to spring peepers and wood frogs. Watch the sunset while standing in an open meadow as bats fly and the evening tolls. We have all of this, right in our community.

What does Citizens for Land Stewardship offer its members?

CLS offers its members, and the community at large, a variety of programs designed to increase our appreciation and understanding of the diverse natural resources contained within our green areas and those in the communities surrounding Upper St. Clair.

Programs vary with the issues of current concern and are presented periodically throughout the year.  Past programs have included these topics:

  • The Mayview Barn and the history of the Mayview Farm
  • a winter tracking seminar
  • hike the dog permitted trails with your dog
  • a talk on gardening with native plant species
  • Spring, Summer and Fall family hikes in Boyce Mayview led by local naturalists
  • an information/education booth at USC Community Day celebration
  • a children's nature program
  • riparian habitat restoration and planting
  • watershed water quality monitoring
  • a hawk watch trip to the Allegheny Mountains
  • participation in the Audubon Society's Winter “Bird Circle”.

In addition, members receive the CLS newsletter and timely announcements of upcoming programs and information about other local conservation events.

Why should I join the Citizens for Land Stewardship?

CLS has three primary objectives:

  • to serve as an unpaid advocate for the philosophy that natural greenspace in an increasingly developed community is essential to a well-rounded quality of life
  • to work pro-actively with Upper St. Clair officials, planning organizations and residents to find ways to preserve significant natural areas and the native flora and fauna that inhabit these areas for the benefit of current and future generations
  • to present activities for the community that focus attention on unique features within USC's natural areas and their relationship to the region's network of watersheds

Quite simply, if you value the natural beauty that makes Upper St. Clair such a desirable place in which to live, to raise a family, and to do business, then CLS is one community organization you might wish to support. Opportunities abound for volunteers to participate in our programs and in our growing partnerships within this community we are proud to call “home”.

How do I join the Citizens for Land Stewardship?

It's really very easy. Just print our Membership Form and follow the directions there. Please join us!

USC Citizens for Land Stewardship is dedicated to promoting:

  • education on environmental issues
  • prudent and ethical land use policies to protect and enhance natural resources
  • awareness of the value of our natural landscapes
  • recognition of the enjoyment and benefits of nature within our community
  • activities that promote harmony between people and nature
  • watershed restoration and re-introduction of native plant species