Boyce-Mayview Master Plan Information
In November 1998, the Parks and Recreation Board
and the Study Group reviewed proposals
for master planning received from four consultants. Out of the four,
two consultants were
selected for interviews. The Parks and Recreation Board chose and
recommended to the Board
of Commissions one consultant. The Board approved the recommendation to
hire the firm of
Wallace, Roberts, and Todd (WRT). WRT has met with several
organizations including CLS. A
series of five public meetings has begun.
More than 200 residents attended the first
meeting, which was held on March 9, 1999.
WRT presented an overview of their inventory of the property as it is
now. Currently, the
site is primarily wildlife habitat. The consultant noted that the
current habitats
“represent a biodiversity on the site that is unparalleled in
this region”. The
340 foot grade difference between the high and low points means that
has virtually every habitat that’s in this region represented
in this park”.
After this presentation, the citizens divided into 11 groups to discuss
possible uses for
park lands. These discussions were summarized to the entire audience.
The second meeting was held on April 13, 1999.
Over two hundred residents heard WRT
review the current status of the site. WRT then provided a review of
the opportunities and
constraints associated with the site. For example, they discussed the
land area and
facilities that might be needed for both habitat conservation and
recreational uses. The
meeting finished with attendees placing markers on posters that
contained the various
possible uses of the site.
May 13, 1999 was the third meeting. WRT presented
three (3) alternatives for use of the
Boyce-Mayview property for public comment. The alternatives were also
on display at
community day. The Upper St. Clair Township website has the various resource assessment maps
that were presented at the first and second public meetings as well as three alternative use maps for the
property presented at the third public meeting.
The fourth meeting was held Thursday, September 9,
1999. WRT reviewed the planning process and the assessment they had
done on the site. They then presented the draft of the master plan and
opened the meeting for comments by residents. WRT emphasized that their
goal was to preserve the natural diversity of the site while providing
for the many diverse interests of the community as a whole. The plan
develop the site in a low maintenance and sustainable manner. To that
end, the proposal placed the active uses of the property in the north
end of the site with the meeting and sports facilities in and near the
current barn area. The facilities could include both indoor and outdoor
areas for community events, an aquatic recreation center and both
formal and informal grass fields for sports practice, picnicking or
kite flying. The proposed nature/education center would be an
innovative earth covered building, and the community gardens and
perhaps an orchard would be nearby. Access to the park would be
primarily through this developed area with a semi-circular trail
running to the south end of the park. The central and southern portion
of the site would be devoted to habitat enhancement to promote the
bio-diversity that already exists.
The final meeting presented the final master plan
to the Board of Commissioners. The meeting was held Monday, October 11,
1999. The presentation included recommendations for phasing, priorities
and costs of implementing the plan. WRT has prepared a briefing book
for the commissioners meeting.
The master plan was formally accepted by the
commissioners at the monthly meeting on November 1, 1999. A copy of the
master plan is available in the township library. The next step will be
implementation of the master plan. Stay tuned for further information
on this implementation phase.